Division of Administrative Services
Division of Administrative Services Division of Administrative Services

Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Program (SAKI)

​The purpose of the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Program is the creation of a coordinated community response that ensures: 

  1. The reduction in the number of unsubmitted sexual assault kits by implementing a protocol/plan to inventory, test and track unsubmitted kits through final adjudication.
  2. Improve the investigation and prosecution of SAK cases thru adoption of improved protocols, technology and management systems. 
  3. Develop victim notification protocols and evaluate efficacy to enhance victim services and support of victims of sexual assault.​

Primary Contact​

Bethany A. Neff
Criminal Justice Specialist
Secondary Contact

April M. Darnell
Assistant Director 
304.558.2350, ext. 20189

​​Marshall University Research Corporation
One John Marshall Drive
Huntington, WV 25755
Jason Chute

Applications - Applications are not being accepted at this time.

**For additional program information and/or application materials, please contact Bethany A. Neff and/or April M. Darnell at the information listed above.